A Walk to Scott Base

On Sunday the 28th of August Jim, my roommate, Greg, a physician, and I walked to Scott Base. Scott base is a New Zealand Antarctic base that is about 1.5 miles from McMurdo Station. As usual it was blowing and way below zero but with the right gear on - quite comfortable! You can see the base, which is much smaller than McMurdo, just to the left of the sign down the hill. It also is on McMurdo sound. The transition zone on the ice between the permanent ice shelf and the sea ice is just off of here so that some times the ice is thin and seals can be seen. I have yet to see any.

One of the very few road signs in Antarctica.

Near Scott base on the sea ice are two new large mobile buildings that will be used for the Long Duration Balloon project. These balloons carry scientific payloads and can circumnavigate the Antarctic continent.
The link below explains more on the project.
The walk back with the back side of observation hill in the background. The snow and ice here provides surprising traction - I imagine by being so cold and dry here. A great Sunday stroll!
Best wishes to my family and friends!