On the Ice!

We arrived in Antarctica on the 20th at 12:17 pm after a 5 hour flight in a C17 military transport. We had to be at the Antarctic Center at the airport in Christchurch at 4:00 am to do the "Bag drag" and prepare for the flight.

There were about 130 of us on the flight which
was the first flight into Antarctica since February.
We were provided with a sack lunch and we had to
wear our ECW gear on the plane. No windows except
some small portholes.

I am excited and a bit apprehensive about the pilot landing this plane on a blue ice glacial runway called "Pegasus Field". Usually ice on the runway is not a good thing!

The first view of Antarctica out of one of the portholes! You can see the mountains and all the snow and ice. It must be really cold outside as the contrail from the jet exhaust forms just after the engine. You can see this in the upper left of the photo.

We Landed! A great landing - a real tribute to the pilot and all the people here at McMurdo that prepare the runway! The runway is probably smoother than the concrete at DIA and has quite a bit of grip. The back cargo door opened and the pallets with our bags were off loaded first. Then we walked out into the snow and cold.
Really a nice day- about 8 degrees above zero. We then boarded a bunch of different vehicles - I was in "Ivan the Terra Bus".

C17 on the runway.
Leaving the plane.

Driver climbing into a "Delta".
It has a big box on the back to
carry passengers.

Delta in front of us on the way to
"Mactown" via the road on the
Ross ice shelf and the seasonal
sea ice. About 20 miles to town.

Ross Island and Mount Erebus behind the clouds.
A 12,000 ft active volcano!

Observation hill through the frozen window of "Ivan".
"Obs" hill is right above the station.
Next - McMurdo Station
Best wishes to my family and friends!